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Five Specific Things You Might Like about Elebase

Markdown Text Editor

An Elebase Text Element goes way beyond just creating and managing text in a box. When you set up a Text Element, you can choose from several preferences: a single line text area, a multi-line text field, a Markdown text editor, and a JSON text editor.

See it in action (1 minute 10 seconds).

Multi-Level Option Element

The Elebase Option Element is very powerful, facilitating not just several options, but multiple levels of options that can be used as filter parameters.

See it in action (38 seconds).

Geo Element and Geo Feature Types

Geo information in Elebase is much more than just a latitude and longitude combination (long-lat for mapping geeks). Elebase facilitates points, multi-points, areas, paths, and custom geo features.

See it in action (54 seconds).

Embed Element

Easily create and manage embedded data using the Elebase Embed Element. Use this element to create a gallery of YouTube videos, Instagram images, SoundCloud files, and more — simply by adding a URL.

See it in action (42 seconds).

File Transformations

Take advantage of the powerful file processing engine built right into the Elebase CDN. It enables any user — not just a developer or designer — to perform on-demand conversions, optimizations, and transformations on many types of files, including images and geographical data files, by simply adding a few parameters to the URL.

See it in action (14 seconds).