Geofencing with Elebase
Get Entries within a specified polygon.
Using Elebase, it is easy to draw a polygon, and then use that polygon to get every Entry that exists within that polygon. Here are a few ways this can be useful for your application:
• Get geo-spatially relevant information.
Draw a polygon and get all of the entries that have geo information that is within that area. This means it is easy to create information and deliver it based on its geographical relevance.
• Segment customer lists by custom geographies.
Instead of having to collate a list by zip code, simply draw a polygon around a geography and then filter out all of the customers that are within that geography.
• Neighborhood notifications.
Draw a polygon around a neighborhood and then send messages and alerts to users in that neighborhood based on their location.
Make this request by simply adding a polygon as a request parameter using the Retrieve Entries endpoint.
Use the Polygon
Get Entries with geo information in or near a point.
• Logistics notifications.
Post alerts, updates, or notifications when a person or an asset that you are tracking enters a specific area.
• Retail relevance.
Send a text message, or send and update, to a person when they are in a relevant geo area.
Make this request by simply adding a Point as a request parameter using the Retrieve Entries endpoint.
Use the Point